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Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been a school teacher before she retired, but she needed to keep busy. She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her service with a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she met other old folks likes her. By talking with them, she recognized two things. Old people had abilities that were not used. But old people also had some problems. She found a new purpose for herself then.

  Through the years, she to write stories about people for national magazines. There was now a new subject : Old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”, which was about getting old. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems with being misunderstand .

  Anna Douglas uses her thinking ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands why problems begin. For example, one of her readers said that his grandchildren left the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs Douglas suggested some ways for him to understand his grandchildren.

  “It’s important to know something about your grandchildren’s world,” says Mrs Douglas, “That means questioning and listening, and listening is not what old people do best. Say good things to them and about them,” she continues, “Never try to scold your grandchildren or other young people. Never stick to your opinion. Don’t tell them what they should do. Commonly , they have been taught they should have respect for old people. The old should respect them as well.”

 提问时间:2011-12-10 17:28:27    评论举报

2011-12-12 20:21:04
安娜.道格拉斯72岁的时候,她开始为她的报纸专栏辑稿.之前她一直担任学校董。虽然她退休了,但她需要保持忙碌—— 她甚至愿意无薪工作。 这是因为她找到了一家公司的志愿者工作。 在这个机构,她的工作主要是帮助其他企业寻找适合老人的工作。 每一天,她与自己一样的其他退休人员进行交谈。 通过交谈,她承认两件事情。 老人们有没有被利用的能力。 老人有许多问题 - 主要是沟通问题。
道格拉斯夫人 为自己找到了一个新的追求 。 这些年来,她不时为全国性杂志辑稿。 现在她有一个新的课题:像她一样的退休老人。 她开始写报纸专栏称为“接受60岁的人”。 她特别地多写关于老人的问题,尤其是他们被误解的问题。 
安娜道格拉斯用她的思维方式看到问题背后的真相。 她明白问题的始因。 老人和年轻人,她都理解。 例如,她的一个读者说,他的孙子们一来就离开了,当他前来参观。 道格拉斯夫人提出了一些办法,以让他与他的孙子们增进互相的理解。 她教他听年轻人的音乐,观看最流行的电视节目。
“重要的是要知道些有关你的孙子的世界,”道格拉斯太太说。 “这意味着提问和听 - 听是不是老人所擅长的,”她继续说:“跟他们说些好话。 绝不要批评你的孙子或任何其他少年,青少年,青年。不要告诉他们,他们错了。 不要给他们你的意见。 他们从小就被教导要有对老人的尊重。所以, 老人也应该有对年轻人的尊重。
