【新牛津版】教材帮必修第二册 UNIT 2
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新牛津版】教材帮 高中版 必修第二册  UNIT 2

Text 1

W: Did you hear the weather report?

M: It makes no sense. The weather reporter said it would be cloudy and windy, but it turns out to be a sunshine day now.

Text 2

M: Mandy, are you writing your novel? How is it coming along?

W: I’m just starting.

Text 3

M: Jane, would you like to go to a rock concert with me this afternoon?

W: I’d love to, but my parents are not at home right now, and I have to wait for the workman to repair the washing machine.

M: Oh, what a pity!

Text 4

W: How much shall I pay to send this letter to London by airmail, sir?

M: It depends on the weight. Shall I weigh it for you?

W: Oh, here you are.

M: OK. That will be 80 yuan.

Text 5

W: What can I do for you, sir?

M: Er, I have a ticket for the 6 o’clock flight to New York, but I can’t make it. Is there a seat available for tomorrow morning?

W: Let me see. Sorry. All the morning flights have been booked up. The earliest we can get for you is the two o’clock flight in the afternoon. Is that okay?

M: Oh, all right.


Text 6

W: Sir, did you see the "No Parking" sign?

M: I won’t be here long. My wife will be out of the movie theater in five minutes.

W: Sorry, sir. Not even for one minute! You’ll get fined if you don’t go.

M: But where can I park my car? I’m not familiar with this place and I find the traffic here very puzzling.

W: You can drive along this street for about ten minutes, and then you’ll see an office building, with a parking lot behind it.

M: OK. Is it free?

W: Of course not, but if you only park for a while, it won’t cost you much.


Text 7

M: Have you seen my glasses?

W: Go into the bathroom and look in the mirror.

M: You mean I’ve got them on?

W: You are the most absent-minded person I’ve ever known.

M: I can’t deny it. But that’s not the most memorable example of my forgetfulness.

W: It could be forgetting your wallet. You’ve done that a hundred times.

M: No, I don’t believe I’ve ever told you about it.

W: I’m tired of guessing.

M: Well, the day when we were supposed to get married was such a beautiful day that I forgot all about the wedding and went fishing instead. Luckily, I brought my phone with me, and your father called me.


Text 8

M: Hey, Mary. What’s your plan for your summer holiday?

W: Well, I am planning to take a trip to Tahiti with my parents.

M: Tahiti? I don’t know much about the place.

W: Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia. That’s a group of islands in the southern Pacific Ocean, mostly formed from volcanic activity.

M: Is it a rich place?

W: Yes, I suppose so. It’s the economic, cultural and political center of French Polynesia. It is also world-famous for its amazing beach scenery.

M: I see. What language do they speak there?

W: French is the only official language, though Tahitian and English are widely spoken.

M: How about the food? What’s it like?

W: Well, I don’t really care about the food there. I choose to go there mainly for the beaches!


Text 9

M: Hello, Carol. What seems to be the trouble?

W: So kind of you to come to see me. I don’t know what’s wrong. Three days ago, while planting roses in the garden, it rained and I got completely wet, and I’ve had a cough since that night.

M: Well, let me take a look at you. Are you still coughing very much?

W: Yes.

M: Hmm. You’re running a high fever, I’m afraid.

W: Oh, no wonder I’ve got a hot face.

M: Well, Carol, I think you’ve got the flu. You should stay in bed for at least two days and take the medicine three times a day. I’ll look in on you tomorrow morning.

W: Thank you so much.

Text 10

Welcome to Spain. Getting a train to Spain is more convenient and comfortable than you imagine. Travel to Spain, and you will learn about world-class culture, taste delicious food, buy quality goods, see unique buildings and visit beautiful fields. The best months to travel to Spain are June and July. Taking the train to Spain is far more exciting, more relaxing, not to mention it’s better for the environment than flying. Train travel is rapidly growing in popularity because of its speed improving. And for long-distance travel, there’s the added advantage of taking the train overnight, which saves on your hotel cost. On the train you can catch up on some sleep or simply watch the landscape changing around you. And taking a train means you’re free to wander down to the bar, chat with friendly people, or relax with a book in your own cabin. In our Grand Class cabin there are seats, small tables and comfortable beds. Our private suite also offers a shower room and toilet articles.

