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Unit 6  Do you like bananas? 听力部分



1.W:Does Bob like oranges? 

M:Oh, yes. He always eats them.

2.W:I like strawberries. What about you, Tom?

M:I like apples, Lisa.

3.W:How about eating chicken for dinner?

M:Great. I like chicken.

4.M:Is the milk on the bed yours, Grace? 

W:No, it’s Tim’s. My milk is on the table.

5.W:Hi, Tony, let’s go to KFC. 

M:Oh, no. I don’t like hamburgers.




W:David, what’s on the table?


W:Do you like them?

M:No, I don’t. But my sister likes them.

W:What do you like?

M:I like carrots.


W:I want rice and chicken for lunch. What about you, Mike?

M:Let me think about it, Grace.

W:Do you like milk and a hamburger?

M:No, I don’t like milk. But I like hamburgers.

W:How about salad and a hamburger?



W: Hello, I’m Alice Green. I’m a healthy girl. I eat an egg and an apple for breakfast. And I eat chicken and tomatoes for lunch. For dinner, I eat two bananas and some rice. I like ice-cream, but I don’t eat it. It isn’t healthy. I like ping-pong. I play it in the afternoon.


M: Do you know Cindy Smith?

W: Yes, she is a volleyball star.

M: What does she eat for breakfast?

W: She likes eggs and milk for breakfast.

M: Does she like hamburgers?

W: No. She thinks they aren’t healthy. But I want to eat hamburgers.

M: What does she eat for lunch?

W: Chicken and some vegetables.

M: She has healthy eating habits.

W: Yes. Let’s eat chicken and strawberries for lunch.

M: OK. I want five strawberries.

W: Oh, great.



W: I’m Linda. John is my good friend. He always runs with me in the morning. He eats well. For breakfast, he eats eggs and bread. For lunch, he has rice and chicken. And for dinner, he eats apples and carrots. John likes apples and oranges, but he doesn’t like bananas. Look at the apples and oranges on the table. They are John’s. John’s birthday is next week. He asks me to go to his birthday party. That sounds great.
