【lesson 41】九下-冀教版-教材帮
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Lesson 41


Danny: Hello! This is Danny!


Jenny: Hi! This is Jenny! Danny, are you free on Saturday afternoon?


Danny: I think so. What is your plan?


Jenny: Would you like to come to my house? I made some great cookies!


Danny: Oh, of course! I would love to go!


Jenny: Great! But I also invited Steven just now and he promised to come, too.


Danny: Oh, oh...Jenny...you know Steven and I are...Let me think it over.


Jenny: Danny! Do you really want to stop being friends with Steven? I think the most important thing for you two is not to keep silent but to have a talk about your problems. So, come to my house, maybe I can help you.


Danny: Well...OK! I’ll go! Thank you, Jenny!


Jenny: Wonderful! See you on Saturday afternoon!


Danny: See you!


